Channel: The Observations of Rick Maddocks - former BC Probation Officer » regional crown counsel
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Richard E.  Maddocks
5071 Helena Lake Road
100 Mile House BC  V0K 2E1



Ms. Sabena Thompson
BC Ministry of Justice
Criminal Justice Branch
Office of Crown Counsel
540 Borland Street
Williams Lake   BC   V2G 1R8


Dear Ms. Thompson:

RE:    MADDOCKS: Richard Edward
       Court File # 32552-C-2
      100 Mile House RCMP File # 13-631
Malicious Prosecution, Abuse of Process and Lack of Disclosure

On 05-APR-2013, over one month ago, I faxed to your office an application to vary bail by consent.  On that same date I faxed to your office a request for further disclosure and suggested there needed to be a decision from the bench before this matter might proceed.  To date I have heard nothing from you.  I am advised you have done nothing with this application and it is “still on your desk.” In the meantime, I suspect my personal property is being damaged, moved, packed … whatever … while you leave me twisting in the wind.  I do not take this negligence lightly.  There are things in my home to which I feel very deeply attached.

I am already on record (at my first appearance in 100 Mile House) as being very concerned about the prejudice I have perceived emanating from the Williams Lake Crown Counsel office.  First, you knew or ought to have known I worked as a Probation Officer in Williams Lake and in 100 Mile House for a period of approximately 12 years.  THAT evidence was given by the 100 Mile House RCMP in their report to you.  Given the possible, and in my view, obvious conflict of interest I suspect this matter should have been referred immediately to your Regional Crown Office in Prince George.

I have grave concerns this prosecution has been approved carelessly, perhaps improperly and perhaps even maliciously.  I feel the Crown has approached this case with a zeal … an intensity … a blind enthusiasm I have not witnessed in the past.   You have no reasonable likelihood of conviction yet you approved this charge anyway.  My expenses have been substantial.  The cost to me in terms of my professional reputation and personal / professional relationships has been incalculable.

When last in Court I witnessed the Crown make joint submission … after joint submission … proposing conditional discharges for men who admittedly punched their partners in the face and / or actively damaged the victim’s property.  The Court agreed with those submissions and allowed those men to return home to their partners … to their victims.  I also saw the Crown agree to releases on bail for men charged with assault of their spouses including a return to the home of the victim with a “leave if requested” condition.

In light of these submissions made jointly by Crown and defence and accepted by the Court, how could the Crown then oppose my application to be allowed to return unfettered to the home I have been illegally removed from … so I might claim some or all of my worldly possessions?  Especially when there have never been any alleged threats against Rainer and / or Jane PETERS, the residents in the main house over 500 metres away and especially when I have not asked to be relieved of the no contact condition.

And how could the Williams Lake Crown’s initial sentencing position suggest a one year suspended sentence for this “threat to damage property?”  My understanding is there has been a directive from Crown to police about the Crown’s intention not to approve uttering threats charges of any kind unless there is a substantial likelihood of conviction.  So … do tell … why was this charge ever approved?

I want to reiterate I have received no further disclosure from you even though I am to have retained and instructed counsel by my next Court date of 04-JUN-2013.  You have had over 30 days to provide said disclosure yet still … I hear nothing.  I intend to seek a further adjournment on 04-JUN-2013 and intend to make the Court aware of the Crown’s abject failure to make adequate and full disclosure.  On that date I will also ask the Court to remove the Williams Lake Crown Counsel office entirely from this case.

Are you aware Staff Sergeant Ken Brissard of the Williams Lake RCMP is actively investigating the 100 Mile House RCMP with specific reference to this case?  This is the result of a complaint filed with the RCMP Complaints Commission.  I have every confidence Staff Sergeant Brissard will investigate this matter in the fullness of time … in his own, well-respected way.

Please do not respond to me directly Ms. Sabena Thompson.  By copy of this letter I am asking that this charge be stayed and that you and the Williams Lake Crown Counsel office be immediately removed from this case.  I am asking that you be investigated for this malicious, careless and destructive prosecution and that consequences be well-documented and publicly available.

My website will document any and all correspondence.  This will be very public.

Yours very truly,

R.E. (Rick) Maddocks
Probation Officer (retired)     www.rickmaddocks.com

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